Feel and Learn Minamiboso – 4 day group/school trip

This tour is just one example to give you a better idea of what a typical trip looks like. We are very flexible to change any course content customized for your group.

    • Feel the nature of Minamiboso and enjoy both the outdoor activities and the cultural experiences in the mountain and ocean.

    • Stay at a public nature center designed for Japanese school trips and experience the stay itself.

  • Day 1:

    Take the school bus from your school to the public nature center.

    Participate in a score orienteering and night hiking program.

    Day 2:

    In the morning, take a guided hiking tour to a small mountain that has a spectacular view.

    In the afternoon, take a guided walking tour to a bamboo forest and enjoy bamboo shoot (Takenoko) gathering/hunting.

    Day 3

    In the morning, go to the beach and discover/learn about the creatures of the sea

    In the afternoon either take a honey candle making class or a guided cycling tour riding through the farm villages.

    In the evening, enjoy barbeque and campfire.

    Day 4:

    In the morning, help out some of the local farms ruined by the recent typhoon.

    Depart the public nature center via the school bus.

  • Meet/Depart: Public nature centure

    Trip Length: 4 days 3 nights

    Price per Person: JPY28,000 (includes three nights lodging, meals, program fees, guide support, rental cross bike)

    Minimum number of guests: 15


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